Sugar Swings! Serve Some: merry madeleines......!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

merry madeleines......!

christmas madeleines

.....i am totally getting some mileage out of my madeleine pan.....after making them for halloween here.....decided to try them again for this holiday season because they just look so pretty.....!, green, and white for christmas (or to show your italian or bulgarian pride!).....used a simple madeleine recipe found here....and separated batter into 3 zip lock bags....1 tinted red, 1 green, and 1 left without any tint....

...then just fill colors into 3 sections (fill a little at a time of each color then go back and refill a's really pretty simple).....once baked and cooled...sprinkle them with a little powdered sugar.....

....or you can just do 2 colors if that's easier.....still pretty!

....again these are really simple, and recipe mixes up's so simple....that i did some for my hanukkah celebrating friends....

...with just some batter tinted blue and some not tinted....

....and also for kwanzaa celebrating friends....!

....i really like the black contrast in these...

....then packed them up for a par-tay...!...and you get some colorful madeleines for the season.... merry christmahanakwanzika!!!!...not sure if i'll have any other posts before the holidays start (although there may be one left in me) thank you all for stopping by periodically and hope you have a great time celebrating your particular holiday with your family and friends...!


  1. These are so creative! I love them. What a brilliant idea.

  2. Love your holiday-themed madeleines! I've definitely got to get me a madeleine pan. Been wanting one since I saw your candy corn ones. Love it all! Thanks for sharing on Sweet Indulgences Sunday.

  3. I absolutely love these! I'm adding you to my sidebar because you are just s o darn talented. Thanks for always making such yummy creations!!!

  4. I didnt even know their was a pan like this, so many possiblities with the colors too and I love how you made them for each holiday! These look great! Thanks for sharing at Mrs Foxs Sweet Party and have a Merry that is a mouthful! :)

  5. Ingenious!! And so easy! I love my Madeline pan but have only every used it for basic mads. I think these are wonderful, thanks for sharing!

  6. You've done it again! Beautiful job! I think you've covered everyone with your colorful madeleines:)

  7. so cute, I think this really would love amazing on any desert table.

  8. I LOVE madeleines, and this looks like too good of an idea to pass up!

  9. I'm the Editor of Fun Family Crafts and wanted to let you know that we have featured your colorful madeleine idea! You can see it here:

    If you have other kid-friendly craft tutorials, we'd love for you to submit them. Thanks for a great project idea!


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