So I finally got around to doing some cookies for the Winter Olympics. Just in time for closing ceremonies! Well I guess its better late than never. I was watching the Olympics the other nite and NBC did a short story on Matryoshka dolls, or Russian nesting dolls. I've always loved them. Cute little hand crafted dolls that get smaller and smaller and fit neatly inside each other? Heck yeah! They go perfectly with my love of tiny things AND my Type A personality. Here's another interesting history of the dolls if you are interested. I don't actually own any of the dolls (hint hint to relatives reading!).
So of course I had to work them into something. I went with sugar cut out cookies. Roll out and bake your fav cookie recipe. I used vanilla tootsie roll for the doll faces. Microwave the candy about 7 seconds, or until its soft and you can roll the candy flat. Then cut out the circle shapes with icing tips. Large to teeny.
I then "drew" the dolls on with candy melt. You could use royal icing too, but I find candy melt is easier for me and dries faster when you need to use a few colors like for these dolls. You can get really creative with colors and design like the real dolls, but I kept it pretty simple. Before the candy melt is dry, attach the candy faces. Then add rosy checks with flat pink sprinkles, a tiny heart for a mouth, and dabs of black candy melt for eyes. Oh and add hair with brown or yellow candy melt too.
I like them because they are kinda hand made and unique like the real dolls. (NOTE: although I'm sure most are now not actually hand made anymore, but I like to pretend they are).
And of course since these are for the Sochi Winter Olympics, I needed some in the Olympic colors!
I always love watching the Olympics (both Winter and Summer) and have been trying to get the kiddos interested as well. These cookies helped! Hope you like them too. Congrats to all the athletes that competed, you are so amazing and talented. And thanks to you all as always for stopping by.
Kitchen Fun and Crafty Friday