so it's memorial i was trying to explain today to my 7 year old what a "memorial" is...i realized i need to do a better job about talking about holidays with the kids...they are more than just days off....and this one in particular is more than picnics and bbqs...we have a pretty good darn life
in part due to many fallen soldiers that have given their lives for this great country of ours....
i also realized explaining some things to the kiddos is definitely getting more difficult as they get older since they do have it pretty good BUT i also want them to appreciate all the good things that they have in their lives....and Memorial Day is remembering those men and women who have given their lives for this country....and although they think they know what "war" is....they don't really get it at this much as they love drawing battle scenes and army tanks and army dudes!...note to self: spend more time talking with the kids about why we celebrate the holidays we do....
....onto the food...instead of doing red, white and blue....decided to go with some camo desserts in honor of those who have served and those currently serving for the great US of A....
...i have found this whoopie pie recipe always works well and is pretty much fool proof...i made 2 chocolate (as is)...and then one i omitted the cocoa powder (replaced with just flour) and tinted the 2 green camo colors....
to get army green mix a little brown in the regular green |
...then pipe a little of each color into circles....i did brown first, then green, and army green and dot with some more brown...or experiment to see what order you like better
...the filling is also the fluff recipe filling with about 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder added in as well
...the chocolate filling was great in these...although i'm not positive people knew what they were when first looking at them and i found myself constantly saying..."they are camo you know for memorial day"...!
...and i will let the picture say the rest...
....and take a moment to say thank you in your own way...however simple that may be.....
thanks for stopping by and hope you have an awesome week!