....so after posting the lego dude valentines and the lego dude cupcakes.....i've gotten quite a few comments or emails about how to make them.....so here you go....my first "official" tutorial....(although i usually include how i do stuff in all my posts)....
....start with a lego minifigure ice cube mold....i got mine from an official lego store (for some reason my boys including the 41 year old seem to love that place...!)...but you can find them other places online or ebay probably has them too.....
....and you need candy melts of course...i use wilton but whatever kind you like and colors you want your dudes....for these i went with the traditional yellow, red, and blue.....i add mine to regular zip lock bags...and nuke them in the microwave until just melted...(about 30 secs or so depending on your microwave)....don't over melt....you want it just fluid enough to "pipe"...snip off an end of the bag to make a small tip....the key is to have all 3 colors ready to go at the same time and you have to work a little fast (so apologies for the kinda crappy photo pics!)....
....i start with the head....fill up about half way....don't go past the "ridge" between the head and the body or you will get the color over flowing into the body when it hardens.....

....then fill half way with a different color for the body and same with the pants...trying not to go past the "ridge" separating each section.....(if you are really motivated you can color the hands the same color as the head....but i'm usually not that motivated)...
....i stop once 4 are half way filled and then tap the mold on the counter to get the colors even....then fill the rest of the mold with the same colors again.....
....once the molds are filled....tap on the counter again....pretty hard to get make sure there are no air bubbles and to fill in all the sections of the mold....(you usually don't see the back of the lego guys as much so i don't worry about how that looks as much....you can see the colors run a bit into the different sections here)....
....i put them in the freezer for about 10 minutes then pop them out of the silicone mold (it's really easy to pop them out---never had any break doing this).....
....and you get an edible lego minifig dude.....
....or multiple lego mini fig dudes....!
....if you make these they usually get a pretty cool reaction from the kiddos or lego fans in general.....these were for a bake sale at the 6 year olds school yesterday...a cake with the lego dudes and some candy lego bricks i found at our local candy shop....
.....and cupcakes of course all wrapped up and ready to go....!