Sugar Swings! Serve Some: Hamilton the Musical Gingerbread Cookies

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Hamilton the Musical Gingerbread Cookies

So it's Christmas time in August! 

I totally missed Christmas in July and in all transparency I made these cookies last Christmas but never got around to posting them - well because regular life got in the way.

They are still super fun so posting them now.

Hamilton The Musical Gingerbread Cookies!

Made using a regular gingerbread man cookie cutter with some store-bought gingerbread cookie mix to speed the process a bit.  Royal icing made the faces smooth and you can get good skin colors as needed.  The rest of the detail is made with melted candy wafers in various colors, some sprinkles, and an edible food writer for face details.

I love the little heart mouths on Eliza, Angelica, and Peggy!

Schuyler Sisters Gingerbread Cookies

I knew nothing about Hamilton on Broadway except that it was a popular show.  Pre-COVID we took our kids as a last minute Christmas gift and we all loved it so much so I thought Hamilton character gingerbread cookies would be a hit around here.

Hamilton the Musical Gingerbread Men Cookies

It's hard to pick a favorite character as they are all so fun and written so well!

(King George is my fav!)

Hamilton the Musical Gingerbread Men Cookies

Although it's called Hamilton, it's really a story about Eliza Hamilton and "forgiveness"

Hamilton and Eliza Cookies

Do you also love Hamilton?? Who is your favorite??

Hamilton the Musical Gingerbread Men Cookies

 Have a great Christmas in August!! 

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