Sugar Swings! Serve Some: Reindeer Cookies....!


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Reindeer Cookies....! i know the christmas holiday is right around the corner so wanted to share another super easy one with you, and i'm all about re-using any baking pans that i get, especially ones that are pretty specific like my madeleine pan (i know all of you are probably sick of madeleine posts, but here's the most recent in case you'd like to see a bunch of rainbows!)

and i got a mini gingerbread one recently too, so of course needed to make some mini superhero gingerbread men!

....but after seeing this post on martha stewart (among others!), i knew i could re-use the gingerbread men form to make some little reindeer!

and really super simple, i used a pre-made sugar and gingerbread cookie mix to speed the process up, but you could definitely use your own favorite cookie recipe...

turn the gingerbread man upside down and add the reindeer design....the detail is done with melted milk chocolate (or you can use candy wafers/melts), add 2 white flat sprinkles for eyes and one red one for rudolph's nose, then add black part of eye with an edible marker...

i like giving them googly eyes so they are looking all around!...and it really took no time to put together

and just a quick thank you to everyone who has stopped by the blog (either once in awhile, just finding me during a search or those who regularly read and encourage me with comments)....i truly appreciate all of you and what started off as a fluke, this blog and the energy that goes into it and the posts are really therapeutic for again THANK YOU!

...hope you all have a great week and happy one week before christmas!

***this post is dedicated to the beautiful lives lost on Friday at Sandy Hook Elementary***

Tidy Mom's I'm Loving It


  1. Michelle, These are so cute! I bet your little ones loved them:) Merry Christmas My friend!

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  3. these are adorable! I love the gingerbread men too!

    Loved seeing this at the special link party supporting Sandy Hook last week. Hope you'll come to The Humble Brag link party today to see some features from last week and link up some more cool projects. We also give away FREE AD SPACE every week! Happy Friday!


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