Sugar Swings! Serve Some: Mermaid Cupcakes & PEEPS Cookbook Giveaway


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Mermaid Cupcakes & PEEPS Cookbook Giveaway

Do you guys love mermaids as much as I do? They rate very high up there like unicorns and rainbows for me. There's just something about those pretty and colorful tails.  

And since it's PEEPS season, how about making some mermaid bunny PEEPS??

PEEPS come in so many flavors these days so when I saw these orange creme flavored bunnies this year I didn't know what I would make with them BUT I knew they would come in handy. 

Green apple fruit strips worked out great for the tails.

Add some cute flowers detail and a little heart shaped sprinkle for the mouth.  The scales are made with light green candy wafers.

Or just make a bunch of mermaid tails and use them as cupcake toppers.  

OR make both!

My love of Marshmallow PEEPS is pretty obvious right? Well I was lucky enough to be asked to contribute to a new Peeps-a-licious Cookbook! 3 of my recipes are featured in the new cookbook for PEEPS lovers.  I'm so excited to be included in this fun recipe book!  The mermaids are not in the book (how to listed below) but there are some other really fun PEEPS treats.   Here's a sneak peak of the Harry Potter PEEPS Pops that are in the book!

And the super fun PEEPS AND COMPANY and Quarto Books are letting me give a couple of the cookbook out to some of my readers.  YAY!  

Enter to win below.

How to PEEPS Bunny Mermaids

Makes 10 mermaids
Total time: 60 minutes


  • 1 package of PEEPS bunnies (this used orange creme flavored)
  • Green apple fruit strips
  • 1/2 cup light green, blue melting, and dark green candy wafers
  • 1/8 cup of green and pink melting candy wafers
  • 10 mini pretzels (as base)
  • Assorted sprinkles (mini red hearts for mouth, round for center of flowers)


  1. Cut out piece of fruit strip to wrap around bunny body and long enough to make tail.  Wrap strip to get the right mermaid tail look.
  2. If making the tails (without bunny), 
  3. Melt dark green candy in quart size freezer bag in 10 second intervals until just melted.  Snip an end of the corner and pipe tail shape onto parchment paper.  Let harden 15 minutes (or in refrigerator for 5 minutes).
  4. Melt light green candy in quart size freezer bag in 10 second intervals until just melted.  Snip an end of the corner and pipe scales onto body and tails.
  5. Melt yellow and pink candy in separate quart size freezer bag in 10 second intervals until just melted.  Snip an end of the corner and pipe flower shape.  While still wet add a sprinkle to center.  Let harden 15 minutes.  
  6. Use some of the melted candy and attach flower to bunny as hair decoration and attach sprinkle heart as the mouth.
  7. Melt blue candy in quart size freezer bag in 10 second intervals until just melted.  Snip an end of the corner and pipe small mound onto pretzel.  Attach a bunny to each (allows bunny to stand up). Let harden 15 minutes.
  8. Add as cupcake toppers and/or insert tails into cupcakes.


  1. I have to admit that I am a huge fan of the traditional Peeps. I have not had a flavored Peep that I like better than the plain ones. Your mermaids are so cute. Congrats on being included in the Peeps book. That is so cool!

    1. Actually they are probably my favs too- although I love all the colors they come in now too!

  2. I am guilty of liking the original peeps. They are perfect for so many delicious summer treats! I have a ton of peeps and now I need this book haha

  3. I am guilty of liking the original peeps. They are perfect for so many delicious summer treats! I have a ton of peeps and now I need this book haha

  4. Great idea!!! I will try to make it for my kids.
    I hope they like it. Hahaa

  5. My favorite PEEPS treat products are the PEEPS bunnies! They are the cutest!

    1. I much prefer bunnies over chicks for some odd reason!

  6. Haha, your mermaids are so cute! Love Harry Potter too! :)

    1. Thanks Sue, decorating peeps are always fun for me!

  7. Favorite is original yellow bird peeps


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