Sugar Swings! Serve Some: Marvel's Deadpool No Bake Cookies


Thursday, February 11, 2016

Marvel's Deadpool No Bake Cookies

Are you ready for the next Marvel X-Men movie installment?! Deadpool - the story of "anti-hero" Wade Wilson opens this month on February 12th and I can't wait to see it.  

At least the trailer looks pretty cool:

I love Deadpool because not only can he heal himself - but is known as the "merc with a mouth" and has a "twisted sense of humor" - cue the jokes and shenanigans.  He's also not pretty.  Well Ryan Reynolds plays him so that could be a stretch, but he is supposed to be disfigured, hence the mask.


He also knows he's a comic book character and often talks to the reader (or in the movie he probably talks directly to the camera) - in the geek world this is called breaking the "fourth wall".  Love it.  

Well as usual my way of welcoming some of my fav pop culture icons, I make treats.  

In this case Deadpool Cookies.  

They are really very easy and no bake so you can make them in no time flat.  I'm sure Deadpool would have some snarky comment about them.  Bring 'it Deadpool, bring it!

Pop over and see more here at sheknows.

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