Sugar Swings! Serve Some: Mini Fudge Retro Atari Joysticks


Sunday, September 13, 2015

Mini Fudge Retro Atari Joysticks

Did you know September 13 is National Video Game Day?? Actually it seems like everyday is video game day around our place - that's the activity of choice these days for my kiddos.  It's always a battle with screen time as my 11 year old could stay on all day if I let him.

I mean we had video games too, I grew up in the 80s, but nothing like what the gamers have today.  I even dug up our old Atari game system - wood paneling and all! Remember those old joysticks? They broke all the time and gave you hand cramps but they were all we had.  They also had 1 button.  I repeat ONE BUTTON.  There were not 10 different buttons that you could push in different combos to get the game to do different things - one button and the joystick was all we had.  Maybe life was simpler back then.  OK now I sound old!

Well I recreated those old joysticks in fudge form - to show my kiddos how good they have it now! They agreed eating them is way better than using them for games!

For the details on how to make 'em, head over to sheknows here!

Thanks for stopping by and have an AWESOME week!


  1. Oh, those bring back memories! They are so fun. My husband would love them.

    1. thanks! brought back lots of memories since I was an 80s kid!

  2. That's a riot. My kids would be like "what? Ara...what?" And then they'd feel bad for me that I was a kid in the dinosaur age =o) These are super cool and look delicious. I'm heading over to SheKnows to see what you used.

    1. I know the stuff these days are some much better than our old technology! lol! thanks Erin!

  3. wow these are very fun, thanks for sharing this with us denver heating repair


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