Sugar Swings! Serve Some: Minecraft Creeper Cake and Character Peeps Pops


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Minecraft Creeper Cake and Character Peeps Pops

Is Minecraft still a favorite game of your older kiddos?? It still seems the soup de jour for my 10 year old.  Last year I did a Minecraft Cake and Rice Krispie Treats and Minecraft was requested again this year as a birthday cake.   And because I can't resist a good mash-up, I threw in some Minecraft characters in Marshmallow Peeps form!

For the Peeps pops, coat bunny Peeps in some white chocolate or vanilla candy melt.  Once hardened add the color with some food gels in various colors.  I add a little gel to an art tray (only used for food).  To make "paint" add about 1/2 teaspoons of flavoring extract.  I used lemon extract.  

Then just paint on the colors to make the characters.  Minecraft characters are easy because they look pixelated so you don't even need to be an artist, just color in blocks!

Once you have the base colors on, you can add any accents (like eyes) with candy melt.

The Creeper cake is really easy.  Just bake up a square cake in your favorite flavor.  Add a crumb coat and using a ruler make even squares across the cake.  I used a knife to draw on squares (well as even as I could get them.)

Tint icing in varying shades of green, and just fill in the squares.  You can google a Creeper face to see where to add the colors.  Use black icing to do the features of the face (eyes and mouth, well I think they are eyes and a mouth!).  It really was very quick to put this together.  Buy black icing though, it's so hard to tint icing a deep black!

And there you go, a pretty simple Creeper cake and some Peeps Pops for your biggest Minecraft gamer.

What games are your kiddos into? We're always trying to find neat ones that also teach a little.  Minecraft is pretty cool as they do create some really interesting structures in the world.  A little bit like a 3D lego creation, but all pixelated.

Here is last year's Minecraft Cake.  Which is your fav?

I'm adding these to my Peeps Treats collection.  I've done a ton of these in the past and they are always lots of fun!


  1. Replies
    1. thanks, my boys definitely did too although I hear there are quite a few girls into mine craft too! :)

  2. this is awesome - thank you so much for makign a cake WITHOUT fondant =). what size tip did you use?


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