Sugar Swings! Serve Some: Chocolate Covered Strawberry Cookies


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Cookies

Um, did you know Valentines Day is this Friday? I know right, how the heck is that possible?? I mean there are hearts and red velvet stuff galore all over other blogs and Pinterest, but I still keep thinking that it's a couple weeks away.  Well less than a week away now.  

And the hubster is leaving us for sunny Florida for a trip this week.  I'm just hoping it doesn't snow anymore because I'm so not handy around the house, especially with things like gas powered snow blowers.   Thanks for deserting us hon - Enjoy your dumb sun!  

So to make us feel better I made some cookies.  Shaped like strawberries.  And dipped in chocolate.  Like chocolate covered strawberries.  My blogging friend Sue from Munchkin Munchies has made 3D sugar cookies before like these little apples and these strawberries! So adorable.  I knew I wanted to try making them so decided on doing some strawberries.

I also have a little confession.  I am not a huge fan of chocolate covered strawberries.  I mean I love strawberries on their own, and chocolate on it's own, just not so much put together.  In general I don't really like chocolate with my fruit.  I know some people LOVE it.  There are businesses dedicated to adding chocolate to fruit and fruit to chocolate, which is cool - its just not my favorite.  

But I do like the look of chocolate covered strawberries, and these happen to be really easy to make.  Start with a store bought sugar cookie mix (you could use homemade too of course).  Mix as directed plus 1 tablespoon more flour.  Tint red.  You could even add strawberry flavor/extract if you wanted.  I didn't because I just wanted the look, not taste of strawberries here.  Then shape the dough in tablespoonfuls like strawberries.

Add sesame seeds to look like strawberry seeds.  And the most important part FREEZE them for at least a few hours.  Overnight would probably be great if you have the time.  Then bake the cookies directly from the freezer at 350 degrees for about 8 minutes.  They will flatten too much if you bake for longer or don't freeze them well.  

You can see they still flattened a little once baked 
Once cooled, dip in good dark chocolate.  And add stem/leaves with some melted candy wafers.  I used dark green mixed with a little of the chocolate.  Pipe leaves and stems onto parchment and once hardened add to the cookies with more melted candy wafers.

And you get some pretend chocolate covered strawberries.  For anyone that doesn't like chocolate and fruit (like me!).  Just in time for Valentines Day!

Wishing you all a great week and a special Valentines Day for you and your special ones! 

Tidy Mom's I'm Loving It
Kitchen Fun and Crafty Friday


  1. Michelle, I LOVE your chocolate covered strawberry COOKIES! What a GREAT idea, You are genius to add the sesame seeds too! Thanks for the link-love. <3

    1. Thanks sue! Your cookies were most def the inspiration!! Thank YOU!!

  2. Wow they look so so amazing!!

  3. Your strawberries look quite realistic. They are so fun. Have a wonderful Valentine's Day.

    Beth @ HungryHappenings


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