Sugar Swings! Serve Some: Game of Thrones Cupcakes (Cupcakes are Coming!)


Friday, June 21, 2013

Game of Thrones Cupcakes (Cupcakes are Coming!)

So if you are like me, you're all bummed out that Season 3 of Game of Thrones is over! If you are not familiar with it, GoT is the HBO series about kings and knights with blood and gore, an ongoing fight for the Iron Throne, a gagillion characters, a boobie thrown in here and there, and some sci fi tossed in to mix it up. But it's over until next season.  Seven Hells.

The hubby started listening to the books on tape last year, and got me hooked on it too - and then we started watching the series - and we're both totally invested now!  These cupcakes were actually made to celebrate Father's Day.  Over the past couple years I've done movie themed cupcakes for him for the big day.  One year it was The Big Lebowski cupcakes and another it was Fast Times at Ridgemont High cupcakes. This year he got GoT!  

Hopefully if you read the books or follow the show you'll recognize some of these!

Jon Snow's dire wolf, Ghost, and the 3-Eyed Crow:

You know nothin Jon Snow
The Game of Thrones crown with Valar Morghulis (All Men Must Die) and Daenerys' dragon eggs in a golden box:

My tribute to the Red Wedding, a heart for the bride and groom (Roslin Frey and Edmure Tully) shot with a bloody arrow! I don't want to give you any spoilers in case you haven't seen it, but The Rains of Castamere aka the Red Wedding was a CRAZY episode.  Watch real time reactions to it here!  

Also some Golden Dragon coins and an ode to the Lannisters

The Lannisters send their regards
Oh and you can see my attempt at a White Walker with it's blue eyes below too.  Blue eyes are blue rock candy.

The coins are chocolate coins with a 3 headed dragon design added with extra melted chocolate then sprayed with gold color mist (kinda like edible spray paint!).  The color mist works great!

The crown is made with yellow candy melt, then also spray painted gold with the color mist.  The wolf is made using this tutorial from Annie's Eats (original in the Hello, Cupcake! book).  They are much easier to make than they look and the kids totally loved this one! The eggs are candy rocks that I picked up at a candy shop awhile back with some detail added with an edible writer.  The box they are sitting on is made from a Hershey's candy bar "glued" together with more melted chocolate, then sprayed gold too.  Everything else is made with candy melt or frosting.

And of course you need some Milk of the Poppy to ease the pain of no more Game of Thrones 'til next season! Sunday nights just won't be the same.  (Ok this just some milk with some black sesame seeds thrown in - didn't have any poppy seeds- but i'm going with it!)

And what better way to break your fast this weekend then with some GoT cupcakes and some milk of the poppy to wash it down? The cupcakes are actually made with wine (think Arbor Red).  I totally didn't get any pics of them, but in general I used a boxed white cake and substituted red wine for the liquid in the ingredients.  It's a perfect flavor for these since everyone is always drinkin' a flagon of mead, ale, or sweet wine on the show.  

So Valar Dohaeris until Season 4 (probably not until next Spring!).  Next season will have more surprises as well *curse you George RR Martin!!* If there's anything this series has taught me is not to get too attached to any one character.  Will let the meme say the rest!

Anyways, hope you like them and if you don't watch GoT, go start! You have plenty of time to catch up! Now off to drown my sorrows of no more episodes in some lemon cakes and lots of Arbor Gold.

Tidy Mom's I'm Loving It


  1. Love Game of Thrones, LOVE your cupcakes! The details are incredible!!!! :)

    1. thanks Michelle, so much fun coming up with these!

  2. YES, YES, YES! These are so amazing. Love it and that show! :)

    1. thanks Jennifer! I was going to do lemon cakes, but thought wine cupcakes would go well and they were for fathers day!

  3. These cupcakes have ALL the awesome!

  4. You are totally amazing! Your cupcakes look awesome!

  5. These are awesome! However, I must point out that the name of john snow's direwolf is Ghost, not Snow :)

    1. You are so right, how did i miss that typo??! Fixed it! THANKS!

  6. This is crazy amazing! Would have loved to share the photo on facebook but none of the three thumbnail photos is of the cupcakes and I don't know how to do it otherwise. :(

    1. thank you!! I run into that problem on FB too sometimes, not sure why!

  7. OMG! You've gotta be kidding me.... These are amazing. Pinned of course! Thanks so much for sharing on Two Cup Tuesday at Pint Sized Baker. I hope to see you again on Monday night!

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