Sugar Swings! Serve Some: Reverse Rainbow Cake for a Very Important Celebration!


Friday, January 18, 2013

Reverse Rainbow Cake for a Very Important Celebration!

So doing a rainbow cake has been on my "to do" list forever! But I kinda feel like they've been done ad nauseum by now (although I still love seeing every single one, they always look so pretty!!).  And most rainbow cakes really look like a bit of work since you need to tint every layer of the cake prior to baking, bake each layer separately, and hope you get them to come out with an even thickness (or cut them to even thickness-not my specialty!).

And since I am simplifying much more this year, I decided to do a rainbow cake but in reverse, with the icing layers in rainbow colors and without icing the outside of the cake.  Many have done the no icing cake look like here and here, and I really think it looks pretty cool.

I needed this mid week, so I just used a doctored chocolate cake mix (add an extra egg, 1 cup of buttermilk for the liquid and use the same amount of oil).  It's also a 6 inch cake so much smaller than a regular sized cake.  Once baked in your 6 inch pans (I used 2), freeze the cakes so you can then slice them in half so you get 4 kinda even layers.  The icing is homemade buttercream as I always seem to have buttercream around (it freezes nicely and you can then de-frost to use whenever you need it).  I use this recipe because it comes out great every time.  I did use orange extract in place of the vanilla for this batch of buttercream.

Then add some buttercream to 4 bowls, and tint with food gels with the rainbow colors you like and then add between your cake layers.  So simple and easy!

For the top I wanted to do a heart design so used a Wilton icing tip #47 to add some swirly hearts around the sides and then a big heart in the middle.

This little cake was for a very important celebration, my kiddo just passed the 5 year anniversary of her heart transplant! Woohoo!!! She is 5 now (my twins are almost 6!) and had the transplant when she was 8 months old.  She had a very rare type of cardiomyopathy called non-compaction cardiomyopathy where the heart muscle does not compact and function as it should.  It's amazing to think about that time and how absolutely fantastic she is doing today.   On January 16th every year (like here and here), we celebrate her and our lives and remember her donor family that probably under extremely difficult circumstances decided to give us a gift that we can never say thank you enough.  We try to enjoy every moment we have every single day and *try* not to get caught up and frustrated with things that don't really matter in the end.  We know in our hearts what matters and try to live that everyday.

Please please please consider becoming a donor if you are not already.  There so many people waiting on lists and definitely one case where demand significantly exceeds supply.  Visit the Donate Life site here for more info.

As always, thanks so much for stopping by and have a great week!

Tidy Mom's I'm Loving It


  1. 1. Beautiful Cake! I love the reverse Rainbow without frosting on the side! love the top and how you put all the hearts!

    2. Such a beautiful post. Happy Heart Day to your cutie! Your post made me tear up.. or it is just dusty in here.. either way love it. Love life. Celebrate it every day. So amazing. <3

  2. What a beautiful cake for such a special occasion:) The hearts are wonderful on top! So happy your daughter has a healthy heart!

  3. What a wonderful reason for a cake! And I love the cake too. I'm so happy she's healthy! :)

  4. What a fun cake and such a special blessing to celebrate!
    I just started a new Finding the Pretty & Delicious Linky Party on my blog this week - would love to have you stop by and share!

  5. This is an AMAZING looking cake
    You've done a great job

  6. Such a great reason for a cake! So glad that everything worked out for your daughter and family. I could not imagine.
    Thanks for sharing on Two Cup Tuesday at Pint Sized Baker.


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