Sugar Swings! Serve Some: August 2012


Sunday, August 26, 2012

schoolhouse rock! cupcakes.....! school starts after labor day around here and i am trying to get the kids back into the swing of things with some schoolhouse rock! themed cupcakes.... you remember those cartoons (for those of us old enough to remember saturday morning cartoons when you had to wake up super early to watch cartoons 'cause you didn't have stations dedicated to cartoons....i know what?? no cartoon channels 24/7? nope, you had to get up early and watch them)....and schoolhouse rock! actually taught you some stuff and were like little mini cartoons that were played in between the actual shows.....i still say i learned my multiplication tables by watching them! ...and although the kids haven't seen them on tv, we bought the dvds and play them in the car on long rides and they actually do love them too (yay!)

...there are so many that were, numbers, history, grammer, but here are a few of my favs...

3 is a magic number (3, 6, 9...12, 15, 18...21, 24, 27...30!) made with frosting and candy melt...and electricity (...flip that switch and what do you get??) which is a candy melt sign....

the infamous bill from how a bill becomes a law (made from tootsie roll, edible food writers, and candy melt) and lolly, lolly, lolly get your adverbs here (suppose your going nut gathering...your buddy wants to know when and where!) sign made from a graham cracker and candy melt....

the WOW! from interjections (so when you're happy HURRAY! or sad AW! or frightened EEEEEK! or mad RATS! or excited WOW! or glad HEY!) and the tea party cup from no more kings (rockin' and a rollin', splishin' and a splashin' over the horizon what do you see?), tea cup made from tootsie roll

and you get some fun back to school cuppies to celebrate the new school year...hard to believe i have a 2nd grader and 2 (TWO!) kindergarteners!  what the what is that all about?

anyhoo, it was really hard to pick my fav schoolhouse rock! cartoons to make into cuppies, there are so many awesome ones and they definitely remind me of being a kid, about the age of my 2nd grader so i'm syked they are into it as well...

as always, thanks for stopping by and have an awesome week! what's you're favorite schoolhouse rock cartoon from back in the day?

Tidy Mom's I'm Loving It

Friday, August 17, 2012

origami yoda and friends pops.....!

so who know's about origami yoda???...well if you have kids that are into diary of a wimpy kid, chances are you may know about this book series as well...and if they are fans you know that the secret of the fortune wookiee just came out (which is the 3rd book in the series!)

...the books are by Tom Angleberger and are about a bunch of 6th graders dealing with well, 6th grade issues....AND it combines star wars and origami so double win!

my almost 8 year old could not wait until the latest book came out and was over the moon when it came  in the mail (pre-ordered on amazon)....!

the first book is about Dwight - an origami whiz who invented his own Origami Yoda finger puppet who gives sage advice to Dwight and other kids in book 2, Yoda is challenged by another force, Darth Paper, a scorn-spewing puppet wielded by the hard-hearted Harvey....and the latest edition book 3 features a paper fortune-teller (remember those things from middle school??) in the form of Chewbacca (it's a Fortune Wookiee, get it?!) which seems to give advice that's just about as good as Yoda's....

the books even tell you how to make your own characters!

so to celebrate the latest book...made the kiddos some character pops....with my fav, melted candy wafers/candy melt....just taped some parchment onto the books and colored in with candy....also if you can't get candy melt/wafers, you can use melted white chocolate and tint with color (but be sure to use coloring for candy otherwise normal food coloring will mess up and bind the white chocolate)

...and then attach a stick - i just attached with more candy on the back

....and you get all the main origami characters in edible the fortune wookiee book, there is also his buddy Han Foldo....(get it? Han Foldo!!!! love!!)

....of course in the books, yoda and darth paper are enemies....

....and han and the fortune wookiee are still buds....

and is this the last book in the series?...."the end...this is not!" - says origami yoda

....thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend!

Friday, August 10, 2012

summertime brownie bites....! aren't bars like the perfect dessert to bring over for a party? (well ok, pretty much any dessert is cool to bring to a party!) but bars are so relatively bake up a pan, cut them up....and you've got a bunch of fun bars and if you cut them into squares, they are the perfect and bite size....i've done bars a bunch of rainbow blondie bars, cake batter granola barsfootball brownie bites, frosted cookie bars, and more frosted brownie bars...(wow that's a lot of bars!)

...for these i just used a boxed brownie mix (i did the more cake like brownies and added an extra egg) and to make them even more fun, piped on some buttercream....

....and to make them even more fun....drew some faces onto yellow m and m's....

...add a little yellow royal icing for some fun yellow suns....(trying to see how many times i can use *fun* in a post!!!)

....but then thought they needed to be a little more fun and added some orange rays too...

...and you get some really FUN iced brownie bites to go along with the perfect sunny summer weather....