Sugar Swings! Serve Some: It's baseball time again! (Day 5 of Peep Pop Week)


Thursday, April 5, 2012

It's baseball time again! (Day 5 of Peep Pop Week)

Baseball Peep Pops celebration of all those peeps on the shelves this time of year.....i've decided it's Peep Pop Week!.....7 days of nothing but peep pops with a different theme every day here.....!!!


DAY 5 is It's Time for Baseball Peep Pops!

...YAY!'s finally that time of year again.....yep can you smell it...? .....BASEBALL SEASON....seems like this winter took forev....i'm yankee fan (to the dismay of my south jersey clan)....and the yankee season kicks off this friday....woohoo! let's go yanks! to celebrate here are some major league baseball peep pops.....

baseball peep pops

...the color is done with slightly diluted food gels and brims are made with candy melt/wafers....

...we are getting there...only 2 more days of Peep Pop Week, Day 6 tomorrow!

p.s. it would be super cool if anyone wants to join me in making peep pops this week!...if you do send your link to me (your link to your blog post or even pics if you don't have a blog and i'll feature them on the last day too!....send to )

disclaimer: i am in no way getting paid or compensated by the marshmallow peeps company...i just really have fun doing this :)


  1. Their caps are adorable! All you're missing is Dodger blue~LOL!

  2. i had all intentions of doing all 30+ MLB teams, but then realized that would mean that many peeps!

  3. Love these pops! Would you come over to Cast Party Wednesday and share them with us?
    Thanks, ---Sheryl---

  4. Anything peep is awesome with me! I go all out peep every Easter:


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