Sugar Swings! Serve Some: Famous Artwork (Day 3 of Peep Pop Week)


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Famous Artwork (Day 3 of Peep Pop Week)

Artwork Peep Pops who loves peeps??!! celebration of all those colorful peeps on the shelves this time of year.....i've decided it's Peep Pop Week!.....7 days of nothing but peep pops with a different theme every day here.....!!!


DAY 3 Famous Artwork Peep Pops.....!

Artwork peep pops

....since peeps seem to be my preferred "canvas"....i figured i'd throw on some copies of some of my fav artworks out there in tribute.....i think my fav is the Matisse....i love that teal color....

....also had my kids do some of their own artwork since i seem to have a million blank peep pops around the house lately....

peep pops the bunny ninjas and other abstracts???

...thanks for swinging by and don't forget to stop by tomorrow for Day 4!

p.s. it would be super cool if anyone wants to join me in making peep pops this week!...come on....make some peep pops with me!!!!  if you do send your link to me (your link to your blog post or even pics if you don't have a blog and i'll feature them on the last day too!....send to )

disclaimer: i am in no way getting paid or compensated by the marshmallow peeps company...i just really have fun doing this :)


  1. I think today's are my favorites so far! I'm a bit of a nerd, but I love that you're used your Peeps as your 'canvas' - and your works of art really look like the real thing!

    1. a figure anything can be a canvas, even peeps! thanks!

  2. These are so creative. I love them!

  3. I'm lovin your peep week! You really are quite an artist in your own right!

    1. glad you like the week so far, it's an experiment :)

  4. Amazing! How unique and beautiful!

  5. OH my word! These are simply adorable! I do have a question though, what markers are you using? The ones I have I can never get to work right on chocolate?

    1. In general I have found the Americolor food writers work the best on candy melts/wafers, but in the pack i have not all work great. The Wilton ones don't work at all, and I also have some by Duff, that are hit or miss. For these peeps I diluted the americolor food gels with a little bit of water or vodka (the vodka evaporates when it dries). I also used clean paint brushes for this or dipped the food writer tip in the color to make it "write" better. Hope that helps!

  6. I love these! You are so creative. They are so amazing!


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